The Legalsense update of February 2024 has version number 24.02 and includes the following changes:
Clients, matters, and contacts
- The KYC documents section is moved back to the right column of the matter page in the place it was before we introduced KYC and Compliance. This way, it is easier to see what the current status of the matter is instead of having to scroll farther down the matter detail page. On the client page the section remains as-is on the left column.
- When editing time entries on an invoice, we've made it easier to find the option for moving time entries in bulk to a different submatter. The 'Change matter' button is renamed to 'Change matter/submatter' when submatters are enabled in your environment.
- The unnecessary spaces in the 'Billing supervisor' and 'Matter supervisor' fields of an Excel export of invoices, has been removed.
- The base rate for Legal Aid matters in The Netherlands for 2024 is updated to € 126.55 (source Raad voor Rechtsbijstand).
- You can configure the default language for invoices by navigating to 'Settings' - 'General' -'System' within the 'Client' subcategory.
- The 'billing_instructions' field is added to the Clients endpoint.
- The field 'current_members' is added to the PracticeGroups endpoint.
- Two endpoints are added: Creditors and Taxschemes.
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