Offices that use RegLab's AML and compliance software can connect their Legalsense installation to this system. RegLab maintains this integration through the Legalsense API. This article describes the adjustments required in Legalsense to get this integration working.
In Legalsense the following steps need to be taken:
1. Configure custom fields
Via ‘Settings’ – ‘Custom fields’, users have the possibility to create custom fields for matters. The permission ‘manage_customfields’ is needed to access this part. Please reach out to our Support department if this permission is not assigned to any of the groups.
Within the integration with RegLab three custom fields need to be created:
- Regulatory Lab dossier: This field is filled out by RegLab
- Identifier: regulatory_lab_link
- Name: Regulatory Lab matter
- Widget: URL
- Read-only field: Active
- Regulatory Lab status: This field is filled out by RegLab
- Identifier: regulatory_lab_status
- Name: Regulatory Lab status
- Widget: Tekst input
- Read-only veld: Active
- Synchronize with Regulatory Lab: This field is filled out by Legalsense
- Identifier: sync_to_regulatory_lab
- Name Synchronize with Regulatory Lab
- Widget: Checkbox
- Help text: “When checked the information of this matter and associated client is synchronized to RegLab for the AML check.”
2. Create a new user
To use the integration, a specific user must be created, with which RegLab can communicatie. It is common to give this user a recognizable name such as "RegLab". This user should then be shared with RegLab so they can set up the integration from the other side. The user needs permission to view and manage clients and matters. In a default setup, the group 'Client Management' would give the correct permissions.
3. Deactivate the 2FA for this user account
For a working integration, it is important that the newly created user doesn’t have the two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled. If this is set for the office, our Support department can disable this for this specific user. Please give us the username and desired mandatory end date in order to process this exclusion. Please note that we do not recommend disabling this for all users. Alternatively, you can also whitelist the IP address(es) of RegLab to circumvent mandatory 2FA.
After these steps are completed, RegLab can be contacted at so they can follow up on the request and test the integration.
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