By default Legalsense displays time in hours and minutes (also described as hours:minutes). The time is rounded according to the default rounding unit time entries set in the system settings ('Settings' - 'General' - 'System'). This value is set to 6 minutes by default and is always rounded up.
A time entry of six minutes is therefore displayed as 0:06. A time entry of half an hour is displayed as 0:30.
It is optionally possible to choose a decimal notation. This can be adjusted by Legalsense at your request at the level of:
- your invoices
- the time entries in the software (displayed in search results and reports, etc.)
- the time entry (only for the Hand input screen)
At certain areas in the software, the hours:minutes notation cannot be adjusted to decimals. For example, you can think of the 'Timers' or the 'Per day' input screen.
Misreading the hours:minutes notation sometimes leads to confusion. 0:30 (30 minutes) is then read as 0.3 hours (18 minutes) and 0:50 (50 minutes) is read as 0.5 hours. Confusion also occurs the other way around: 0.3 is read as 30 minutes instead of 0:18.
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