There are two areas in which you can add texts to an invoice: the Header and the Footer. You can manage default texts for the header and footer via Settings > Billing > Invoice texts.
Setting a default text
When you start with Legalsense, only the Default Footer and Header invoice text is active. You can amend the texts by clicking on the rectangular icon with the pencil. Once you click this icon, edit boxes appear for all active languages.
You can also add a new text (for instance, a specific invoice text for a specific situation) by clicking 'New'.
Different types of invoices
The Invoice texts can be linked to different types of invoices by ticking the applicable boxes (multiple selections for one text are allowed). The letters have the following meaning:
D | Default |
C | Credit invoice |
A | Advance |
S | Settlement |
R (optional) | Pro forma invoice Legal Aid |
CC (optional) | Personal contribution Legal Aid |
If you want to use a different text for, for instance, a credit invoice, you add a new text and tick the box below C. From now on, whenever you make a credit invoice, this text is shown by default. This is useful for example to make an empty footer for credit invoices so that you do not show any payment deadline or bank account number.
Legalsense applies the correct default text based on the choices you make when you create the draft invoice. If you change the invoice in such a way that, for instance, it changes from a debit invoice to a credit invoice, you will need to select the applicable invoice texts manually.
Amend texts directly on the invoice
When you edit a draft invoice, you can manually edit the header and footer texts, or you can select a different default text by selecting one at the upper right corner. To effectuate the change click 'Apply'. See also the screen print below.
Please note: the existing draft invoices do not automatically change if you amend the default invoice texts. In order for the changes to be effectie, you need to edit the invoice, and click Apply to effectuate the change in the default text!
Available codes
You can add different codes in the texts that will cause Legalsense to automatically fill in the corresponding values. The values can only be filled in when the corresponding fields in Legalsense are filled. For instance, when you add the code invoice number, Legalsense will only show it as soon as the invoice is finalized.
An overview of possible fields. All fields need to be between {{ curly brackets }} and a space.
{{ payment_deadline }} | Payment deadline (the output is a number). Can be used to indicate that payment is due withing x days. |
{{ payment_deadline_date_jFY }} | Payment date, in full, e.g. 27 January 2022. |
{{ payment_deadline_date_jmY }} | Payment date, in short, e.g. 27-01-2022. |
{{ salutation }} | Salutation as filled in for the Contact person of the Debtor, so that you can personalise the salutation. When nothing is filled in, the default value is shown (e.g. Dear Sir or Madam). |
{{ total_amount_inc_tax }} | Total amount of the invoice, including VAT. |
{{ total_amount_ex_tax }} | Total amount of the invoice, excluding VAT. |
{{ your_part_inc_tax }} | The part of the invoice, including tax, that is applicable to this debtor (also used in case of split invoices with multiple debtors). |
{{ your_outstanding_part_inc_tax }} | The outstanding part of the invoice, including tax, that is applicable to this debtor (also used in case of split invoices with multiple debtors). |
{{ your_paid_part_inc_tax }} | The paid part of the invoice, including tax, that is applicable to this debtor (also used in case of split invoices with multiple debtors). |
{{ your_part_ex_tax }} | The part of the invoice, excluding tax, that is applicable to this debtor (also used in case of split invoices with multiple debtors). |
{{ invoice_number }} | Invoice number. |
{{ invoice_date }} | Invoice date, in the date format of the invoice language, e.g. 27-01-2025 for English invoices and 27.01.2025 for German invoices. |
{{ invoice_date_jFY }} | Invoice date, in full, e.g. 27 January 2025. |
{{ invoice_date_dmY }} | Invoice date, short version, e.g. 27-01-2025. |
{{ invoice_date_long }} | Invoice date, in full with dot, e.g. 27. January 2025. |
{{ invoice_period }} | The value as shown in the invoice period field. |
{{ credited_invoice_number }} | The number of the credited invoice. |
{{ credited_invoice_date_jmY }} | The date of the credited invoice, in short, e.g. 27-01-2022. |
{{ credited_invoice_date_jFY }} | The date of the credited invoice, in full, e.g. 27 January 2022. |
{{ unsettled_advances_amount }} | The open amount of (unsettled) advances. |
{{ matter }} | Matter name (of the first Matter). |
{{ matter_number }} | Matter number (of the first Matter). |
{{ matter_supervisor }} | Full name of the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ matter_supervisor_initials }} | Name with initials of the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ matter_supervisor_initials_with_title }} | Name with initials of the Matter Supervisor preceded by their title. |
{{ matter_supervisor_with_title }} | Full name of the Matter Supervisor preceded by their title. |
{{ billing_supervisor }} | Full name of the Billing Supervisor. |
{{ billing_supervisor_initials }} | Name with initials of the Billing Supervisor. |
{{ billing_supervisor_initials_with_title }} | Name with initials of the Billing Supervisor preceded by their title. |
{{ billing_supervisor_with_title }} | Full name of the Billing Supervisor preceded by their title. |
{{ debtor_number }} | The debtor number of the debtor of this invoice. |
{{ debtor_name }} | The name of the debtor of this invoice. |
{{ bank_account }} | [optional] The bank account number that is connected to the Matter supervisor. |
{{ bank_account_city }} | [optional] The city (where the bank is located) that is connected to the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ bank_account_name }} | [optional] The Bank name that is connected to the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ vat_number }} | [optional] The VAT number of the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ organization_number }} | [optional] The Chamber of Commerce number of the Matter Supervisor. |
{{ firm }} |
The name of the firm that the invoice belongs to. |
{{ matter_supervisor_function }} |
The function of a matter supervisor. |
{{ billing_supervisor_function }} |
The function of a billing supervisor. |
{{ client_name }} |
The name of the client that is linked to the matter where the invoice is associated. |
Please note: some of the above mentioned fields are applicable to one matter, however, Legalsense can also show multiple matters on an invoice (for instance by use of Billing Groups) in which case generally only the information of the first matter is shown.
Extra text field
It is optionally possible to have Legalsense add an extra text field to the invoices. This can be used for instance for a textual specification. It is not possible to add a default text for this field. As a result, the field is always empty by default and must be manually filled.
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