Dashboards are simple overviews on which important information can be displayed at a glance.
There are 5 dashboards available in Legalsense:
- Personal dashboard
- Leverage team dashboard
- Firm dashboard
- Practice group dashboard
- Performance report
The dashboards can be found under 'Reports' in sub menu's Dashboards and Performance
Personal Dashboard
The Personal dashboard provides insight into relevant figures of the logged in timekeeper. By default a number of charts/overviews are available in Legalsense. If necessary, these dashboards can be adapted to the configuration of the environment or to specific wishes.
Below is an example of a test account Personal Dashboard:
In the dashboard shown above, the important information for the timekeeper is easily visible. He can quickly see which matters were important in the recent past, their most important clients and whether he is meeting his set target for this year.
With the button 'View more' it is possible to filter over a certain period. Below is an example of the graph performance:
A period can be indicated by means of the date picker and via the buttons at the top right the graph can be displayed per day, week, month, quarter and year. This functionality is available everywhere in the Personal Dashboard and the other Dashboards with the 'View more' button.
Leverage team, Practice group and firm Dashboard
Opposite the Personal Dashboard are the overview Dashboards.
The grouped Dashboards show the performance of the chosen overview compared to the set target. The grouped dashboards are not visible to everyone by default. The users must obtain separate rights for this from the organization. These dashboards can also be adapted to your wishes.
Performance report
In addition to the 4 dashboards, a performance report is also available. The sorting and filtering options of this report are not as extensive as the other available reports. The performance report is intended to quickly see how an employee or team is performing against set targets.
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