Budgets report
We’ve introduced a new “Budgets” page in the report module, providing an overview of budget usage in your firm's environment. This report displays key columns such as Matter Number, Matter, Client, Budgeted Hours, Hours Used, Budgeted Amount, and Amount Used. To help you tailor the data, multiple filters are available, allowing you to refine the report based on your specific needs. Only users who can access reports (with the permission 'view_report') can see the budget report.
For further details on using budgets and this new report, please refer to our Knowledge Base article Budgets.
Mobile app
Our mobile app has been updated to version 2024.09.27. This update provides the following changes:
- Partial Write-Off Support: If partial write-off functionality is enabled in your environment, the mobile app now supports it. When editing a time entry, you’ll now see two fields: Time and Billable Time, just like in the web version.
- Default Activity Type: If your environment has a default activity type set in the Legalsense settings, this activity will now automatically be set as the default in the mobile app as well.
- Internal Comments: The internal comment field, previously available only when adding or editing time entries in the web browser, is now also available in the mobile app.
Server migrations
In the coming few months, we will update our infrastructure to incorporate a newer version of the supporting software for our servers. As a result, your Legalsense environment will be assigned a new IP address.
For most customers, this change will not affect how you access your Legalsense environment, as you access the system through a URL. However, if you have specifically whitelisted our current IP address in your firewall or if you use third-party integrations that rely on whitelisting, it is important to take note of this change.
When a migration slot is scheduled for your Legalsense environment, you will receive a notification email approximately two week prior to the migration, which will include:
- The migration window,
- Your current IP address, and
- Your new IP address
Please review your firewall and integration settings to ensure continued acces after the IP change. If you or your IT team have any questions or need assistance in making the necessary adjustments, you can contact Legalsense support.
Matter, clients, and contacts
When adding a contact to a matter, the options in the ‘Kind’ field are now sorted alphabetically, making it easier to find and select the appropriate contact type.
- When generating a split invoice for a matter with multiple debtors, all invoices will now be titled as ‘Advance Invoice’ (assuming your environment uses our default invoice template approach). Previously, only the main debtor’s invoice was labeled as an advance.
- Three new filters are added to the invoice list for tags. This allows you to search invoices based on tags at the matter, the client and/or the contact the invoice is linked to. With the already existing filter for invoice tags, you have now the possibility to search on every possible tag within the invoice list.
iManage integration
- The iManage integration now respects the distinction between optional and required folders when creating workspaces from a template. Optional folders will no longer be created automatically, providing more flexibility in workspace setup.
- Folders are now only created when a workspace is initially created, and not during workspace updates.
- The activity endpoint is updated with the 'is_default' field for usage as extra field parameter.
An endpoint ‘Invoice’ is added to APIv3 as a read-only endpoint. In the list view, the following fields are requestable: amount, client, created_date, debtor, modified_date, and number. With the appropriate permissions, you can access additional fields in the detail view. The following fields are available for filtering:• begin_date• end_date• number• status• payment_status• billed_on_invoice• billed_on_invoice_draft• billed_elsewhere• tags• created_date• modified_date• created_byFor more information on this endpoint, please refer to the documentation within our API or contact Legalsense support.
- Client_name is added as filter option to the Client endpoint.
- The error message returned by the /api/v3/auth/login/ endpoint has been improved. If a required TOTP token is missing from the request, the response will now be:
"token": "incorrect authentication token."
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