The update of Legalsense of April 2018 (18.120) is mainly a maintenance release but contains some functional changes as well. From a functional perspective the following changes are relevant:
- When duplicating a time entry in the 'Per Day' view, the Recofa category (used for Dutch Insolvency matters) is now also copied.
- In the Timesheet > Search, a new 'Per Matter' grouping has been added.
Contacts, clients and matters
- When you choose to archive a matter, a new Archive number field is available. When you leave the field empty, a 'number' is automatically assigned to this field (auto-numbering). If you want a specific number range for your archive numbers, please contact Legalsense support.
- The field that used to be named 'Archive Number' and could be manually filled when archiving a matter is renamed to 'Archive Notes'. This field can still be used for your own 'archive number' (no auto-numbering) or notes.
- The sorting on the AML matter list has been improved for the 'date' column.
Billing / reporting
- A new filter option has been added to the Invoice list (search form) for a 'from' and 'to' amount which allows you to filter the invoice list within a specific amount range. This allows you to, for instance, search for invoice below a certain amount (e.g. smaller than 200 euro) and select those invoices.
- In the Debtor overview list (of unpaid invoices), it is now possible to mark invoices as paid in the same way as you can do this in the invoice list.
- For the Insolvency (Dutch Recofa matters) report, it is now possible to define how the name of the liquidator (curator) is displayed. For instance: "[ title ] [ initials ] [ name_prefix ] [ last_name ]", e.g. 'De heer mr. J.P. de Vries'. Please contact Legalsense support if you would like the way the name is displayed in the report to be changed.
- For Insolvency matters (Dutch Recofa matters) you can generate an invoice at the same time as you generate an insolvency report. This invoice is now also included in the billing workflow (if your firm uses the billing workflow).
- When viewing an invoice, you can now download the invoice specification (separate from the invoice). If you have different invoice templates configured, there will be a separate download option for each. This option can for example be useful in case you don't want the one who receives the main invoice, to also see the specification, or if you have sent a 'single page' invoice but later decide that you also need to send the specification.
- Invoices are now generated in the newer PDF version 1.4 which is needed when sending invoices to some digital invoicing applications.
- The Disbursement search has been re-styled a little and is now more in line with the styling of the Time search.
- A new field `title` has been added for Users. In this field you can add a title like `Mr.` or `Prof. dr.` which can be used in locations where the name of the user is displayed.
- The email setup has been updated to use a DMARC and return path. DMARC policies are published as TXT records on the server and define what an email receiver should do with non-aligned mail it receives, so it is an extra verification method, used to spot fraudulent email, on top of DKIM and SPF. The mail will keep functioning if you do not have a return path set up yet. For more information about DMARC see the DMARC website. See the Legalsense support article on email settings to see how to set up the Legalsense part.
Changes in the Legalsense REST API
- A filter and a value for `modified date` is available in the Client endpoint.
- The client number (`client.number`) has been added to the Client endpoint.
- The contact details (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) have been added to the Contact Endpoint.
- An Endpoint for matter types has been added with the name matter kinds to avoid issues with the existing `matter types` endpoint that was used for something else. The new matter types endpoint returns a list of available matter types.
- Time entries in the API now display the billing status (billable_status) for each entry. Values can be for example: B = Billable, D = Billed, NB = Non-billable.
Changes in APIv1
- When retrieving objects in the API you can optionally choose to also retrieve (soft) deleted objects.
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