The Legalsense update of August 2019 has the version number 19.08 and includes the following changes:
New login page design
The login page of Legalsense has a new look. On the left hand side the login form (with a Username and Password field) is displayed. On the right, we added room for displaying news items and notifications from Legalsense. So we can keep you posted about Legalsense updates and reference release note items, like the one you are reading now.
Add extra attachments to Invoice emails
When composing an email to send an invoice, you can add extra attachments (files from your computer). Attachments can be added using the ‘Add Attachment‘ button and, as long as the email has not been sent, the attachments can also be deleted.
UBL invoices
We added the option to generate UBL (Universal Business Language) XML files for invoices. Next to the PDF version of an invoice, you can also download a UBL version of an invoice. It has become more and more common to always send both a PDF Invoice and a UBL invoice when emailing invoices. In the email settings you can configure Legalsense to always include a UBL invoice as an attachment with the invoice emails.
Client and Matter management
The values for Custom fields with Contacts, Client and Matters are now shown inline with the form for these objects, and can be edited there. The separate form for Custom fields is removed. We added the option to configure custom fields as ‘required’ fields as well.
When the billing is set ‘on hold’ for a matter and a date till when the billing for the matter is set ‘on hold’, this date is available in the Excel export of the matter list.
Legalsense makes it possible to configure different client and matter statuses. For matters, this has been extended with the optional blocking of time entries based on an initial status or status change for a matter.
When using Epona ContactManager, the options to archive contact, clients and matters are deactivated. Legalsense can configure this differently if you choose to enable (un)archiving in Legalsense in combination with the ContactManager integration.
A field to filter and group on ‘Client is equal to the debtor’ (or not equal) is added to the reporting (report builder) for invoice-based reports. This field allows you to report on invoices that are not billed to the client but to a different debtor.
A column (choice) for the expected office expenses ignoring write offs amount is added to the report builder.
A comment (text) field is added to the targets for users. You can use this field to add text to a target (e.g. why does a particular user have a specific target set).
Invoices can be created based on the parent client (‘New invoice‘ - ‘Based on parent client‘). If you want to create invoices for a specific group of clients that are all related to one parent client, you can use this new invoice creation option.
A column for the billing reference is added to the Excel export of the Debtor overview (in ‘Standard’ and ‘Extended’ versions).
When viewing an invoice, some of the buttons at the right hand top have been merged into a single ‘Download’ button. The ‘View PDF’ button (with / without logos), the ‘Specification’ button and the UBL download are part of the dropdown menu choices for the ‘Download’ button.
Other changes
The creation date (and time), modified date (and time) and user who created an object are displayed for contacts, clients, matters, time entries, disbursements, invoices and reports. For contacts, clients, matters, disbursements and reports this information is displayed at the bottom of the page. For time entries, you can view this information in the search result when you hover over the date of the time entry. When existing data for the ‘created user’ or ‘created date’ wasn’t available a default value has been assigned or unknown information is hidden.
An optional export to Apperio - Legal Spend Software ( is available on request.
The Personal performance email that can be send to users of Legalsense is extended with target and target percentage columns (if a target is set for a user). If a user is allowed to view his/her own performance report in Legalsense, a hyperlink to that report is added to the email.
When using the ‘period closing‘ function of Legalsense, you can set exceptions for specific users. The list of users that you can choose from when setting an exception, is limited to all ‘selectable‘ users. Users that are archived can be set to selectable/unselectable in the User list.
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