The Legalsense update of April 2020 has version number 20.04 and includes the following changes:
Android App
In addition to the iPhone (iOS) app, an Android app is now available for Legalsense. You can download it from the Google Play Store. After you have entered the details of your Legalsense environment, you can get started. In this first version, it is possible to write time on your matters. In the future, the functionality of the app will be further expanded with, for example, timers and reports. More information about the Android app can be found in the article Android app.
Payment link
You can automatically add a payment link to your invoice email by configuring a payment link provider in Legalsense. When the settings for payment links have been applied, you can add a payment link to the invoice and/or invoice emails. This link enables your debtor to easily and quickly pay the invoice by for example credit card. For more information on how to set up payment links in your environment, please see the article Payment link.
UBL Invoices
We have made the following changes regarding UBL invoices:
- You can set per debtor and per matter-debtor relationship whether you want to add the UBL attachment to the invoice email. When you have set the global setting 'Attach UBL', all debtors will inherit this and you change it for a specific debtor or for a debtor on a matter. If you have turned off the global setting, you can turn it on for specific debtors or debtors on a matter.
- If a draft invoice email does not have the UBL attachment yet, you can add it by clicking on the button 'Add UBL attachment'.
- If a draft invoice email has the UBL attachment included, you can delete this attachment by clicking the delete icon behind the attachment.
- If you do not want to use UBL Invoices (XML) in Legalsense, you can now turn this feature off completely by unchecking 'Use UBL attachments' that you can find under 'Settings - Billing - Emails'.
- On the AML matter page, we have added a toggle icon to make it clearer that the contents of a section can be expanded or collapsed.
- You can print a cover page of a matter in Legalsense. The “AML required” field is added to this cover page to indicate whether this is “Yes”, “No” or “Unknown”.
- For the pricing scheme "Hourly rate per function", the functions are now sorted alphabetically. This pricing scheme is only available in installations where it is turned on.
- In the "Submatter / product kinds" list, the default price of products is added to the table.
- The overview of invoice emails has been improved. You can see the status per recipient and not just per invoice email. This makes it easier to identify if there were delivery problems with a specific recipient. When Legalsense is unable to deliver an email, you can resend the email and/or reactivate the recipient's address.
- The values of the fields "magistrate" and "insolvency_number" are added to the matter endpoint (API v1).
- The field "finalized_date" is added to the invoice endpoint (API v2).
- It is now possible to search by "client" and "contact name" in the Contact endpoint (API v2).
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