The Legalsense update of May 2019 has the version number 19.05 and includes the following changes:
- Almost all reports are now available in XLSX format. For compatibility reasons, we’ve kept the default to XLS for a long time. As XLS is now almost never used anymore and all supported Excel versions use XLSX, the need to maintain compatibility with XLS is no longer there.
- Filtering/grouping on the status of the user is added to the report. The following options (choices) are available for the user status:
- active
- archived
- inactive
- Archived matters are selectable when filtering on a matter in the reporting builder. When filtering on matters in the reporting builder, the choices used to only contain active matters.
- A email notification can be configured that will periodically send an overview of the hours and revenue of an associate/user to him/herself.
Insolvency Recofa report (Dutch insolvency matters)
The insolvency (Recofa) report has been updated with the following changes:
- The print area is pre-set in Excel to fit on A4 portrait.
- The format of the dates is always DD-MM-YYYY.
- The description column is as wide as possible and uses wrapping to fit the description into one cell.
- The period "Verslagperiode" is added to all sheets.
- Subtotal amounts are highlighted in bold print.
- The total line at the bottom is emphasized in bold print and double underlined.
- A separate sheet with disbursement is added to the report. This sheet can be optionally turned off for your Legalsense installation. Please contact Legalsense support if you do not want this sheet included in your report.
- The date range is added to report containing disbursements. The billable, unbilled disbursements for the time period are shown when the report is generated.
- An option has been added and turned on by default: you can only be logged in with an account (user) from one IP address. If you try to use the software (website) again but your IP address has changed, you will be asked to log in again. Your ‘session’ is now bound to the IP address. You can review this option or deactivate it under ‘Settings - Security - Account settings’. Please note that these settings apply to your entire Legalsense installation (all users).
- A user can reset his/her own password by using the ‘Forgot password’ option on the login screen. An administrator user that had access to the user management was also able to manually change the password for a user. This is now no longer possible. If you need to set a password and can’t use the ‘Forgot password’ option, you will have to contact Legalsense to help you set up a password.
- There are several locations in Legalsense where you can upload files. In some of these locations, Legalsense was not particularly strict about which type of file was being uploaded. The file uploads are now stricter and check for specific formats.
Other changes
- Invoices that can’t be finalized (for example because they are empty), will not have the ‘Finalize’ button available (when viewing or editing it as a single invoice).
- The default contact person of an organization can be removed without having to pick a new default contact person. An organization can thus have no default contact person again. When creating a new client or contact (organization) you can choose whether the contact person that you add to this organization, will be the default contact person for this organization. Before this change, as soon as you had a default contact person (status) for an organization, you could only change the ‘default contact person’ to another contact but you could not remove the ‘default contact person’ anymore (and make the organization have no default contact person).
- The column ‘payment date’ in the Debtor overview (‘Debtor management’) is renamed to ‘Due date’.
- The employee number of the matter supervisor or billing supervisor of an invoice (specifically: of the first matter on an invoice) is added to the invoice text variables for usage in the invoice template texts and email templates. These fields are available as: `{{ matter_supervisor_employee_number }}` and `{{ billing_supervisor_employee_number }}`.
- The matter name of an invoice (specifically: of the first matter on an invoice) is added to the invoice text variables for usage in the invoice texts and email templates. This variable can be used to display the matter name in the invoice texts or email text. A variable for ‘matter’ was already available. The difference is that ‘matter’ returns the full matter name based on the display configuration in Legalsense, this usually includes the client name as well. The ‘matter name’ returns on the matter part of the name. For example: ‘Microsoft / Advice regarding stocks’ versus ‘Advice regarding stocks’. The field is available as: `{{ matter_name }}`.
- Twinfield integration: write-off transactions for imported disbursements can be configured to send as final to Twinfield. When disbursements are being imported from Twinfield, the write off of a disbursement can be sent to Twinfield as a MEMO transaction. Those transactions are now configurable to be sent as final (as opposed to sending them as a draft transaction). This can be configured in the Twinfield settings at 'Settings - Twinfield - Settings'.
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