You can search for matters within Legalsense in the following two ways:
- Via the ‘Matter search’ field at the top right of every page.
- Via ‘Clients’ – ‘Matters’
In both search fields you can find a matter by typing (part of) the matter name. All matters that (partly) match the entered value will be shown in the result. In the ‘Search:’ field in the matter overview (way 2) it is also possible to search by matter number.
In addition you can use the ‘Advanced search’ feature, which provides multiple filtering options when searching for matters.
The search filters will be explained further below:
From date: here you can enter a starting date. This will show the matters that have a ‘Matter opened’ date on or after this date.
to: here you can enter an end date. This will show the matters that have a ‘Matter opened’ date on or before this date.
Matter type: matters can be linked to a matter type. You can find the matter types under ‘Settings’ – ‘Lists’ – ‘Matter types’. If a matter has been assigned a matter type, you can see this in the opened matter under ‘Matter details’.
Practice area: matters can be linked to a practice area. You can find the practice areas under ‘Settings’ – ‘Lists’ – ‘Practice areas’. If a matter has been assigned a practice area, you can see this in the opened matter under ‘Matter details’.
Engagement letter: here you can choose from ‘Not sent to client’, ‘Sent to client’, ‘Received back from client’, ‘Covering agreement’, ’Did not become a matter’ and ‘Document not stored’. The engagement letter can be found in the matter under ‘Engagement letter’.
Matter supervisor: here you can search for and select the matter supervisor, as set on the matter.
Billing supervisor: here you can search for and select the billing supervisor, as set on the matter.
Originator: here you can search and select the originator. The originator refers to the user who created the matter.
Practice group: here you can select the practice group. Practice groups are linked to users. You can find the practice groups under ‘Users’ – ‘Practice groups’.
On hold: here you can choose from ‘On hold’ or ‘Not on hold’. This filter relates to the processes under a matter, where you can set billing on hold.
Archivable: here you can choose from ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. This indicates whether a matter meets all the requirements to be archived. For example, if there are still time entries to be invoiced, disbursements or advances to be settled for a matter, the matter is not archivable.
Client: here you can enter the name of the client to which the matter is linked.
Parent client: here you can enter the name of the parent client to which the matter is linked.
Office: if several offices are active, the relevant office can be selected here.
Status: if the matter has a matter status you can search for it using this field. If applicable you can see the status in the opened matter under ‘Matter details’.
No time entries since: here you can specify a date. All matters that do not contain time entries since this date will be shown.
By default, the search is performed only among active files.
If you want to perform a search on all matters or specifically on the archived matters, you can select this at the bottom of the page.
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