You can search for a contact via ‘Client’ – ‘Contacts’.
In the ‘Search:’ field you can type the name of the contact. All contacts that (partly) match the entered value will be shown in the result.
In addition, you can use “Advanced search”. This feature provides multiple filtering option when searching for contacts.
The search filters will be explained further below:
From date: here you can enter a starting date. This will show the contacts that were created on or after his date.
to: here you can enter an end date. This will show the contacts that were created on or before this date.
Is organization: offers you the choice of ‘Organization’ or ‘Natural Person’. You will see this value in the results as ‘Kind’.
Is debtor: offers you the choice of ‘Debtor’ or ‘Not debtor’. You can specify this during the creation or modification of a contact.
Account manager: here you can select the account manager by typing in (part of) a name. You will see this under ‘Contact details’ of an opened contact.
VAT number: here you can enter the VAT number of the contact. This is shown under ‘Debtor information’ of an opened contact. This search field is only useful for contacts who are debtors and for whom a VAT number has been entered
Applicable VAT: here you can choose from ‘Default’, ‘Intra-community (EU/EEA)’ or ‘Outside of the EA/EEA’. You can see this under ‘Debtor information’ of an opened contact. This search field is only useful for contacts who are debtors and for whom the applicable VAT has been entered.
VAT number?: here you can choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. It will check whether a VAT number is present under the ‘Debtor information’ of the contact.
Debtor number: here you can enter the debtor number of the contact. This can be found under ‘Debtor information’ of an opened contact. This number is usually created by Legalsense if a contact is marked as ‘Debtor’ during creation or modification.
Archivable: here you can choose between ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. This indicates whether the contact meets the requirements to be archived. For example, if there is nothing left ‘open’ on the matters that the contact is linked to, the contact is not archivable.
Country: here you can enter the country. You can find the country under ‘Addresses’ of an opened contact (N.B. manually specified address templates are excluded from the search).
City: here you can enter the city. You can find the city under ‘Addresses’ of an opened contact. (N.B. manually specified address templates are excluded from the search).
By default, the search is performed only among active contacts.
If you want to perform a search on all contacts or specifically on the archived contacts, you can select this at the bottom of the page.
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