In Legalsense, you have the flexibility to assign tags (or labels) to clients, contacts, matters, and invoices. The advantage of this is that it enables the creation and usage of personalised tags. Consequently, these custom tags empower you to refine your search and filter clients, contacts, matters, and invoices effectively on their respective overview pages.
Creating tags
Creating Tags is possible in the following ways:
- Through 'Settings' - 'Lists' - 'Tags' by means of the 'New tag' button:
- Through the input field 'Tags' on the client, contact, matter, or invoice:
As soon as you enter a value here that is not already known as a tag under 'Settings' - 'Lists' - 'Tags', you will see that the suggestion 'Add High Priority' is automatically made. If you click on 'Enter' on your keyboard the tag will be added automatically to the options under 'Settings' - 'Lists' - 'Tags'.
- From the list pages of Clients, Contacts, Matters or Invoices:
After selecting specific entities you want to update, you can click on the "Tag" button above the list, and tag them with existing tags, or create new ones. - For invoices, you can also add tags from the invoice detail view page, or the invoice edit page:
Click on the button "Tags" right before the information button, and the field to add tags will be displayed. When you're done updating the field, click on "Update tags" and your changes will be saved. These can be updated from here even after the invoice has been finalised.
On the invoice edit page, there is a field called tags that works in a similar manner. In order to update the tags, you need to save the invoice changes from the bottom of the page.
Updating tags
Tags can be added to clients, contacts, matters, and invoices. When you click on 'Edit', you will find the field 'Tags' that can be updated. In order to add existing tags, you can use any of the options presented below:
In the first column, you can see the option through which the update can be made, and the rest of the columns present whether or not it can be done for a specific group of items:
Update Method |
Contacts | Clients | Matters | Invoices |
Update tags for one or more objects via the list page, select items that will be updated, click on "Tags" and create a new tag or add existing ones, then click "Update"). | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Go to the edit page, create new tags or add existing ones, and save your changes. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
From the overview page, without clicking the "Edit" button. | No | No | No | Yes |
When you have added a tag you can see it directly next to the title of the item.
Using tags
Using tags, you can personalise labels for clients, contacts, matters, and invoices. These tags can help to organise your data and streamline the filtering process. Additionally, our advanced search feature includes a 'Tags' field. This displays all entities marked with a specified tag, making searching efficient and tailored to your needs.
You can also export the search result to Excel using the 'Export' button.
In addition, it is also possible to link multiple tags to one client, contact, matter or invoice:
Removing tags
In order to remove tags, follow any of the options presented above for updating them, and notice that next to the tag name, there is an 'x' sign. Once you click that and save your changes, the tag will no longer be associated with the client, contact, matter of invoice.
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