The Legalsense update of September 2022 has version 22.09 and includes the following changes.
- When searching for time entries for a matter with submatters or products, a choice is added to allow for searching time entries that do not have a submatter or product.
Clients, Matters, and Contacts
- An extra column, 'Is client,' is added to the Excel export of contacts. This column has the value 'True' or 'False' to indicate whether or not the contact is connected to a client. The column is added in the contact exports, 'Contacts with address' and 'Contact emails.'
- The matter number is shown in the 'Client and matters' section on the contact detail page. The overview of matters is changed from 'Client/Matter name' to 'Client/Matter name (matter number)'.
- The currency set on a matter is added to the matter Excel export. The column 'Currency' is between the 'Pricing scheme' and 'Discount rate' columns. This column is only shown in the export when your environment uses multi-currency.
- If you update an invoice via the button 'Update section,' the field 'Ending with' is automatically filled with the last day of the invoice period. You can override the automatically set date by choosing or typing another date in the field.
- A filter 'Client' is added to the 'Task overview' of the billing workflow. This filter allows you to search for all tasks related to matters of the selected client.
- The columns in the table in the 'Personal performance email' are now configurable. You can activate this notification email in your environment's 'Settings'- 'Notifications' section. If you want to change the columns, please contact Legalsense Support.
- Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can manually create a token for third-party access after they've logged in with SSO. This is available in the user's profile settings which can be reached by clicking on the username or avatar image at the righthand top. In the section 'Authentication tokens', an 'Add token' button is added.
- An additional security setting, 'Days to protect against password reuse', is available within 'Settings' - 'Security' - 'Account settings.' This setting prevents the reuse of older passwords by your users. The default value is set to 30 days, meaning that during this period of thirty days, a user will not be allowed to choose the same password again. If you don't want to use this setting, you can set the number of days to zero, enabling immediate password reuse.
- The Login screen is updated to the newer look and feel of Legalsense, similar to the 'Users' and 'Settings' sections within Legalsense.
- A blue notification message will display at the top of the page for all users in the 'Admin' group, notifying them that they are on a new release of Legalsense: "Your Legalsense installation has been upgraded to version 2X.XX. To find out more, read the release notes." The notification includes a clickable link to the release notes. The notification message will display at the top of all pages until it is dismissed by using the delete (cross) icon.
- When the feature ContactManager is enabled, it was impossible to change a matter's status in Legalsense. This is changed: the matter status field is added to the form when editing a matter in Legalsense. Users with the correct permissions to manage the matter status can change the matter status even if the feature ContactManager is enabled.
- The field "name" from the APIv1 endpoint 'address_kind' is now also available on APIv2 endpoint 'addresskinds'.
- In the APIv2 invoices endpoint, you can download different versions of your invoices based on the configured invoice specifications in your Legalsense environment. This allows for downloading the invoice in PDF or UBL format with an API call.
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