The Legalsense update of January 2023 has version 23.01 and includes the following changes.
- Updating the activity of several time entries at once is added to the 'Timesheet - Search' page. This can be helpful when moving billable time entries to a non-billable matter because sometimes the activities need to be adjusted before moving them. With the 'Change activity' option under 'Change time entries,' the activity of the selected time entries will be updated to the chosen activity, provided it is an acceptable choice for all selected time entries.
- A filter 'Account manager' can be used on the 'Timesheet - Advanced search' page to return the results based on the account manager from the client's contact.
Clients, matters, contacts
- The field ‘AML required’ is available as a filter in the advanced search for matters. This allows you to select matters with a specific AML-required status. The field 'AML required' is added as a column in the Excel export matter. This field is only available when the AML feature is enabled.
- A filter 'Account manager' can be used in the advanced searches for matters, clients, and contacts to return the results based on the account manager from the client's contact.
- When invoices are exported to Excel, the matter name and number are now available as two separate columns.
- 'Based on account manager' is an option when creating new invoices. With this option, you can create an invoice with all billable items on matters to which this account manager (from the client's contact) relates.
- The age categories used in 'Debtor overview' have been adjusted to provide better filtering on age. The former age category of older than 90 days is now split into 90-180 days, 180-365 days, and older than 365 days.
- Merge fields for the due and paid part are available in reminder emails for single debtors' parts of invoices that are created for matters with multiple debtors.
- A filter 'Account manager' can be used in the advanced search of the invoice list to return the results based on the account manager from the client's contact.
- The 'User rates' report has search boxes to filter 'Timekeeper' and 'Function.' A column 'Is function rate' is added to filter out (non-)function rates. The results of the search can be exported to Excel.
- Spaces are allowed in the email sender's name in 'General settings - Emails.'
- The email notification of payment on the trust account includes the amount.
- iManage: Before creating a new workspace, a search of existing ones is completed to assess whether an existing one can be updated instead of creating a new workspace.
- Exact Financials: extra measures related to pagination are taken to support the Exact Financials versions 7.31 and later.
- APIv2: the 'contact' endpoint, including the job description, is added.
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