The Legalsense update of May 2024 has version number 24.05 and includes the following changes:
- You can generate a valid Peppol invoice directly from Legalsense without needing integration with eConnect. To enable this feature, please contact Legalsense Support. Add your firm's Peppol ID via 'Settings' - 'General' - 'Firm' to activate. If you're already using Peppol through eConnect, no additional steps are required.
- When editing time entries on a draft invoice, all entries are displayed along with a total at the bottom. Upon selecting time entries, the total for the selected and saved billable entries is also visible.
- The filter 'Days until overdue' is added to the Debtor overview page. This filter accepts a number representing the days until an invoice becomes overdue. Using this filter will return invoices that will go overdue within the specified number of days.
- When applying a discount on an invoice, this discount will also affect products. For example, when you have an invoice with a product and fees and add a discount of 10% by using the discount button, this 10% will be applied to the product line and the activity lines.
- When adding a submatter to a matter, you can now specify a different value for 'Name on invoice' to overrule the default value of the submatter kind. The display of submatters on your invoice depends on your invoice template setup and might not apply to our invoices.
- Changes in the default German terminology of invoices have been made. When your Legalsense has customized translations configured, this might not affect your environment. To see which terms are changed, please see German invoice terminology updates.
The report subscriptions overview page has a sorting option for the columns 'Report' and 'Last run'. Also, a bulk select option is added to the page allowing you to delete subscriptions in bulk.
An extra column 'status' is added to the Excel export of users. This column shows the status of the user based on 'active' , 'inactive' or 'archived'. The column is added after the 'Last login' column. To have an export with a complete overview of the statuses of all users you can can filter on 'Total' users.
- A setting 'Not possible before matter opened' is added to 'Settings' - 'General' - 'System' in the 'Time' section. When you enable this setting, it is not possible to write time on a matter with a date before the open date of the matter. Attempting to add a time entry with a date prior to the matter's opening date will trigger a notification and prevent the entry from being saved. The notification will specify that the time entry date is before the matter's opening date.
- A notification email option, 'Missing hours overview leverage team email of previous week,' is added to 'Settings' - 'Notifications'. This email provides a weekly overview of missing hours for timekeepers in a leverage team. Note: This email is only available when the leverage team functionality is enabled in your environment. If it is not enabled, please contact Legalsense support to activate this feature.
- The endpoint 'Expenses' is added. Within this endpoint, the following filters are available: 'date__gte,' 'date,' 'number,' 'invoice_number', and 'is_purchase.'
- A new permit, 'view_userprofile,' is added. This permit is only used in the API and allows users to have read-only access to the following endpoints: 'users,' 'user preferences,' 'targets,' 'functions,' 'groups,' 'leverage teams,' 'offices', and 'practice groups.'
- A filter for 'Contact' is added to the 'Address' endpoint.
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