In Legalsense, you can set up default email templates to be used for sending invoices by email, per invoice language. You may also be able to create multiple versions (in addition to the 'default' version) and, for example, separate email templates for sending advance invoices, credit invoices and/or invoices that include an advance payment settlement, reminders and/or dunning notices.
Email templates
Under 'Settings - Billing - Email templates' you can set the desired default email messages and/or reminders/dunning notices per invoice language. You may also create multiple versions (in addition to the 'default' version).
{{ salutation }},
Attached you will find our invoice and specification for the services rendered in the period {{ invoice_period }}.
We request that you make payment within {{ payment_deadline }} days.
If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please let us know.
Kind regards,
Administration Brouwers & Van Leeuwen
The specific codes that can be used in the invoice texts (headers and footers) are also available in the email templates. Please refer to this under 'Available codes' on the 'Invoice texts' page.
Creation of email templates
To create a new email template, go to 'Settings - Billing - Email templates' and click on the '+New' button after which the screen below will open. The fields to be filled in are explained below. Fields with a '*' are mandatory fields.
- Name*: here you enter the name of the email template, for example 'Invoice';
- Subject (Dutch)*: here you enter the subject line of the email. You can also use the specific codes from the article 'Invoice texts' mentioned above;
- Subject (English)*: if the English language is activated in your Legalsense environment, this field appears and you must fill in the subject line in that case;
- Message (Dutch)*: you can enter the desired text here using specific codes such as {{ salutation }} to copy the salutation of the (contact person of the) debtor, {{ invoice_number }} for the invoice number, {{ invoice_period }} for the period in which the work was done and {{ payment_deadline }} for the payment term.
- Message (English)*: if the English language is enabled in your Legalsense environment, this field appears and you must enter text in this case;
- Next reminder email template: if you also want to use a reminder/dunning email template, after creating it you can link it here as the next logical step after sending the claim;
- Is default: when this option is checked, this email template will be used by default.
After you have filled all (mandatory) fields click on the 'Save' button.
Additional explanation Message field
You can copy and paste text from Word or Outlook into the 'Message' field. However, this will result in all kinds of underlying characters being included and unintentionally displayed in the text. The text in this field is written in HTML code. It may look like this, for example:
You can click on the </> (Code View) icon on the right in order to see the text of the message in HTML code.
In the example shown above you will see a combination of HTML codes, specific codes en text.
HTML codes are, for example:
<p> and </p> to place text in a new paragraph;
<br> to place text on a new line;
Specific codes are, for example:
{{ salutation }} for copying the salutation of the (contact person of the) debtor;
{{ invoice_period }} for the period in which the services are rendered.
Note: after you have processed the desired text and/or codes in the 'Message' field, close the text entry by clicking on the </> icon (Code View) again. After this, click on the 'Save' button to save the email template.
Outlook signature and disclaimer
In the email templates you can also include the Outlook signature and disclaimer in all desired languages. If you want to, you can submit a request to our Support department. The logo must be supplied in PNG or JPG format and the desired size.
If you encounter any problems please submit a request to our Support Department via email: or by phone: +31 85 401 3698.
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