The Legalsense update of February 2021 has version number 21.02 and has the following changes:
DAC6 is a European directive that requires tax advisors and other intermediaries, who advise on tax, to report on cross-border arrangements to the tax authorities. Because of the mandatory nature of DAC6, Legalsense offers the option to enforce a choice for the DAC6 reporting status (required or not required) for all time entries. If DAC6 reporting is required, the time can be added to an arrangement.
Legalsense can integrate with DAC6pro (from TaxModel) to add arrangements that are created in Legalsense automatically to DAC6pro where they can be further processed. For more information about the DAC6 features in Legalsense, please see DAC6 article on our support portal. If you wish to make use of the integration with DAC6pro, please contact Legalsense support. There will be an additional charge for the DAC6 features in Legalsense and the integration with DAC6pro.
- In "Time - Search" filter options are added in "Advanced Search" to provide insight in the DAC6 status of time entries.
- When creating/editing a matter, you can determine whether DAC6 is required when writing time.
- For matters that have DAC6 enabled during time entry, the user is asked to determine if DAC6 reporting is required or not. Time entries that require reporting can be added to one of the arrangements of the client.
- In the Report Builder, the DAC6 fields "DAC6 arrangement", "DAC6 required", and "Matter has DAC6 enabled" are added as filter/grouping choices.
- On the Client page a DAC6 arrangements section has been added that allows you to create arrangements for a client.
Legalsense iPhone app (iOS)
In the next few weeks an updated version of the Legalsense iPhone app (iOS) will be released. When the update is available you will see "Update" in the App store next to the Legalsense app. The technology behind the app has changed and is now identical to that of the Android app. This allows us to add new functionality (such as DAC6) for both platforms at the same time. Because the technology behind the iOS app has changed, this requires you to login to the app again after the update.
Contacts / Clients / Matters
- When an UBO is added to an AML matter checklist, the location and country of the UBO can also be established.
- When your Legalsense environment is used for multiple firms, you can now also indicate on matter level to which firm the matter belongs. This could already be set on a debtor/client level and can still be adjusted on a draft invoice.
- When using ContactManager in combination with Legalsense, it is now possible to indicate in Legalsense on contact level whether they should receive a UBL-attachment.
- The fields "Matter Supervisor" and "Billing supervisor" have been added to the options in Advanced Search in the "AML Matter Overview".
- When creating or editing a product, it is possible to indicate which pricing scheme should be used for calculating the work in progress (WIP) on the product of the matter.
- The following fields have been added to the Advanced Search options in the WIP overview report: Billing Supervisor, Client, Matter, Matter type, Practice Group, Practice Area and Office.
- The choices for filters and groupings in the Report Builder have been expanded to include several timekeeper related fields. For example, it is possible to group by the abbreviation of the timekeeper or to filter by the begin and end date of the (employment of the) timekeeper.
- In the invoice specification it is possible to group time entries by submatter. Please contact Legalsense support if you wish to use this feature, because your invoice template needs to be adjusted.
- When you send reminders based on a Microsoft Word template, you can set the sorting within the outstanding invoices table in the System Settings to either invoice number ascending/descending or invoice date ascending/descending.
- The number of decimal places of exchange rates has been increased from four to six decimal places.
- When creating an Advance invoice, the amount field displays the currency of the selected matter.
- The columns "Last reminder date", "Last reminder letter template" and "Last reminder email template" have been added to the extended Excel export in "Debtor overview".
- In the October 2020 release, we announced that we would be ending support for Internet Explorer 11 on 1 December 2020. When a user logs in using Internet Explorer 11 or lower, they will be alerted that this browser is no longer supported.
- Users can manage their own profile picture in Legalsense. If you as an administrator do not want users to be able to do this themselves, please contact Legalsense support.
- In the Legalsense mobile app (on Android and after update also on iOS) the domain, username and profile picture are now displayed.
- The names of the 'Missing hours' email notifications have been changed in order to clarify the content of the emails. In addition, an email notification has been added for the missing hours of the current week.
- For text type input fields, Legalsense now also supports the use of emoticons.
- The Contact endpoint has been extended with a filter on telephone numbers (API v2).
- The Matter endpoint has been extended with a filter on related contact persons (API v2).
- The field “referrer” has been added to the Matter endpoint (API v2).
- The field “AML required” has been added to the Matter endpoint (API v1).
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